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“I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.” ― Stephenie Meyer, Twilight, night is the best part of a 24-hour day. Cityscapes are lit with a myriad of interesting and colorful light sources, such as lampposts, neon signs, store windows, car lights, and bare bulbs. People dress in their favorite outfits to hangout. Bland scenes by day can suddenly turn ominous and fascinating at night.

But night without light is not the time when you see too good. Streets are places that need lighting for security and security reasons then and now. Ancient civilizations knew that there could always be danger in the dark. Street lighting absolutely provides urban security. It increases the quality of life by extending light hours artificially so that man can continue despite the darkness. Human cannot have sunshine at night, but street lights are possible. Street lighting is a boon to drivers, riders, and pedestrians. By asking a lady to walk a dark street without lights, her response will tell you why street lights are popular.

A UK survey found only a quarter of all travel by car drivers is between the hours of 7pm and 8am, yet this period accounts for 40% of fatal and serious injuries to the same group. Pedestrians and vulnerable road users suffer from decreased visibility in the dark too. Street lighting reduce the risk to all road users during the hours of darkness. Surveys have shown that the public favors street lighting as a way to improve road safety.

Because of the dangers discussed above, roadway lights are properly used sparingly and only when a particular situation justifies increasing the risk. A modest steady light at the intersection of two roads is an aid to navigation because it helps a driver see the location of a side road as they come closer to it and they can adjust their braking and know exactly where to turn if they intend to leave the main road or see vehicles or pedestrians. In a freeway junction or exit ramp, the intersection may be lit so that drivers can quickly see all hazards, and a well-designed plan will have gradually increasing lighting for approximately a quarter of a minute before the intersection and gradually decreasing lighting after it.

ZGSM’s LED street lights help citizen in doing their tasks smoothly, even at nights. The lights are easy to maintain and very effective. Street lighting must not be ignored because it can lead to fatalities and loss of property as well. Having quality street lights does not only serve the purpose of safety in the urban areas, but they also have a huge impact on our standard of living.

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